Saturday, February 9, 2008

My Internet Websites

My internet presence includes these other sites:

The Saatchi-Gallery site is where I have posted mainly studio artwork. I live-chat with other artist there, enter their artwork showdowns, and have work in their online commission free sales gallery. It's all free. If you go there don't just look at my work, there is lots to do there.

The Plein-air.wetpaint site has several pages of artwork: First of all a page of my 2007 plein air work, a page of floral work, a page of Northwest Coast Native American work, and a long boring biography and artist statement.

1 comment:

Nancy Van Blaricom said...

Way to go Maeona! Glad you came aboard. You'll enjoy the friends you make here. Once you comment on someones blog you'll see other's who comment and others will see your signature they will follow you to your blog - comment on your blog and you'll be posting comments on others blogs and that's how you build up a group of favorites.

I'll be looking for more of your work on here.