Monday, May 30, 2011

Anglo Saxon Colored Pencil Folk Art Bible-Job

Anglo Saxon Colored Pencil Folk Art Bible-Job
24" x 18"
Sketch Paper

Book 18 Poster 18
Memory Words for me:
Situation, Search, Solution
Dialogue in Heaven, Dialogue on Earth, Dialogue between Heaven and Earth
Onset of Suffering, Failure of Human Wisdom, Final Word From God

First we find out about the person and the wealth of Job. Then Satan pretty much says to God that he thinks Job is a spoiled brat and that of course he likes God because hHe gives him things. God then allows Job's loyalty to be tested. He, his family, and his possessions are all destroyed except four messengers. You can see this in the upper left hand corner of the picture.
Then Job's health was attacked next. His three friends and his wife come to him on the rubbish heap outside of town to sympathize with him. His wife is shown wagging her finger and telling him to curse God and die. The friends see how bad off he is and they weep and tear their clothes and throw dust over their heads toward the sky. The lower half of the picture shows this gathering. Job laments the day he was born. His friend Eliphaz tells him that innocent people do not suffer. Job is thinking his friends aren't much help and that life seems very futile.Then Bildad puts in his two cents worth and says that God rewards the good. Again Job wonders what on earth he is hear for. At this point his third friend Zophar chimes in with his rebuke and Job responds to them. I bet he is thinking with a wife and friends like these who needs enemies? The discussions go back and forth and back and forth between Job and his friends. Them pointing out mans faults and Job pointing out Gods hand in all of this until God speaks to Job about His power and His creations. God uses an example "Can you draw out Leviathan with a fishhook?" I used an alligator to depict my Leviathan. He can be seen lurking in the tall grass. If you look closely you will also see many small evil looking little creatures living in the rubble pile and the grasses.These odd little things come from one of my favorite paintings by an artists named Hieronymus Bosch. The painting is called "The Garden of Worldly Delights".  You should check it out.
God continued with many examples of His power shown through creation. I have used another of my creation colored clouds from Genesis in the center of the picture.
After God speaks, Job confesses that he only had knowledge of God before and now because of all his suffering he has first hand understanding.
God restores Job's fortunes and he was blessed with more children and he died an old man and full of days.
The top right of the picture shows the happy family, servants and herds.
In my mind I pictured this entire event unfolding before the watchful eyes not only of man but of heaven and hell, thus the divisions between the sections with the dark angel at the top and the face in the center. I have heard people ask, who did this to Job? Did God do this or Satan? Did God allow it or was it His doing? People have asked me is that the face of God or Satan in the center? I want people to ask questions.

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