This is the a group of artists that I was painting with. I am the one in the middle with the long ponytail hanging down my back. This building used to be used to make red clay drainage tiles. It is now abandoned but there are still large kilns inside and pieces of old broken tiles laying about. Plus the property is now owned by a plant nursery and some of the crates and garbage are laying around. There are also piles of stone you can see in the photo. I'm not certain if those were used by the tile factory or the nursery for landscape material.

"End of the Scholl's Tile FActory"
11" x 14"
Oil on Gesso board.
This painting is now on display at the
Columbia County Courthouse along
with work by 5 other artists from the
Columbia Arts Guild.
I chose to paint the end view because you could see part of one of the huge kilns, the rusting corrugated metal color and the turquoise color of the painted metal shelving among the trash. I know, I know it is trash but I just loved the colors and shapes and the reflection in the small rain puddle.
Nice photo and nice painting.
I love it! Where is the factory located? I haven't lived here long enough, I guess. :)
Nice. Hope you'll take photo's of all the work is showing. Is it in the old Columbia County Courthouse or the new? Wish I could see it.
Thank you Helen.
Kim the factory is in Scholls out towards Wilsonville.
Nancy the artwork is in the new portion on the walls in tax area.
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